One-of-a-Kind Art Greeting Card
Greeting Card
Mixed Media
5 x 7
5 x 7 in
13 x 18 cm
"Reading an "ART CARD" by Sheridan Brown is fun! These one-of-a-kind, artist-signed cards are handmade, assuring that each is an original. Images from vintage photographs printed on photo paper are the genesis of the art and inspire the quote used for the card. Quotes are researched, and finding just the right one to enhance the photograph is a fun challenge. The card is then collaged with special papers over the photograph and quote. A few of the papers used are Japanese Washi paper, rice paper, and specialty decorative papers. Emphasis is placed on the cohesiveness of the design to make each piece unique. Special embellishments are sometimes added to the sad to further enhance the fun. "ART CARDS" look great framed, since they are original art, an whether collecting, giving, or receiving a card, here's hoping you enjoy a laugh or two."
PIN: BROS15511